Elder Gods & Avatars of Krishnak

Elder Gods

                         -* Supreme Councillors *-
                  Lord Teutates  Alcadizaar  Lord Lascelles  

                        -* Gods of Implementation *-
                                Sabra  Drazak  

                             -* Pantheon Gods *-
                         Marquis Krypsyn  Evil Mojo  

                             -* Greater Gods *-
                               Magus  Makeveli  

                              -* Lesser Gods *-

                               -* Demi-Gods *-
                                Anakha  Lunna  

                               -* Watchmen *-

                       Lady Unna  Jesse  Ogro  Damonix  

                         -* Immortals of Creation *-
    Benthos  Lord Rodness  Xcadrion  Olorin  Ravenwing  GodFather  Bremen  

                               -* Immortals *-

Elder Avatars

                            -* Grand Avatars *-
  Lady Ferenna  Grand Marquise Krysina  Atticus VanAtlas  Grand Czar Xylor  

                             -* High Avatars *-

                             -* Noble Avatars *-

                            -* Master Avatars *-

                           -* Champion Avatars *-

                             -* Tenth Avatars *-
                       Lanfear  Beduin  Baron Von Asop  

                             -* Ninth Avatars *-

                            -* Eighth Avatars *-

                            -* Seventh Avatars *-

                             -* Sixth Avatars *-
                           Rylia  God Fearing Cilo  

                             -* Fifth Avatars *-

                            -* Fourth Avatars *-

                             -* Third Avatars *-
                             Kuric  Kai Nemesis  

                            -* Second Avatars *-
                      Friedrich the King  Ricimer  Milo  

                             -* First Avatars *-
                        Lord Jodax  Sykle  Lady Akabu  

R.I.P. Elder Gods and Avatars of Krishnak…


Image by Lou Levit